Hope Fund
in Memory of Jill Cater.
Falling through the cracks is something the people we care for are used to, and Our Place is one of the few places where they feel a sense of hope and belonging. But even with everything we do — meals, programs, housing assistance, medical referrals, etc. — there are some situations we aren’t able to cover within our budget. And that’s where the Hope Fund comes in. The Hope Fund covers things like payment for damage deposits for housing, transportation to medical appointments, transportation to job interviews, and much more. And the Hope Fund was created in honour of Jill Cater.
We have renamed the fund after a strong
and courageous woman who touched the lives
of so many of us at Our Place.
Jill Irene Cater was an inspiration to everyone who met her. From living on the streets and becoming addicted to heroin, Jill never gave up. With the help of Our Place, and through her own incredible determination, Jill became a community leader through her work at S.O.L.I.D. (Society of Living Illicit Drug Users), volunteering at Our Place, and even serving on the Our Place Board of Directors. Sadly, Jill passed away from cancer in July 2017. Jill encapsulated everything we wish for our family members: strength, courage, humour and love.
You can read more of Jill’s Story here, and if you wish to donate to this special fund you’ll find the donation form below, or call us at 250-940-5060.
The fund was first established through the support of the Victoria Presbytery of the United Church and is available to family members in times of need. For example, when Rosie was successfully hired as a cashier by Thrifty Foods she was worried because she didn’t have money to purchase the store uniform. The Hope Fund made sure that Rosie arrived to her first day on the job in the proper attire, though it may have been hard to notice because of the size of her smile.
We can update you on other uses of the fund at the end of the year — just call and we’ll be happy to send you an impact report. Thank you!