Lloyd’s Story

"The resources of Our Place and the message of hope and belonging and acceptance, I took it to heart. It’s such a pleasure to give back and be in a position to do so.”

Lloyd’s Story

A few months ago, the Our Place Community Centre was treated to a meal where the usual fare of oatmeal was upgraded to nutritious and delicious scrambled eggs, fruit, sausages, and croissants. This special meal was thanks to the sponsorship of a local man, and someone who knew all too well the importance of the meal they were serving.

Several years ago, Lloyd Hardman was using Our Place services regularly to get by. Lloyd lives with an autoimmune disease, Crohn’s Disease. Before finding Our Place, the disease had ravaged his body, he had undergone twelve surgeries, dealt with medication side effects, and the stress of navigating a struggling healthcare system without support. He wasn’t able to work and had completely exhausted his savings and resources.

After the passing of his mother, he describes life as “[beating] me down” until he was at his lowest. He was living in his car, the last asset he had from a thriving career in the tech industry, when he found Our Place. As it does for so many Our Place Family Members, it started with a meal.

“They just sort of opened the door and kept things moving for me.”

What followed was a haircut, hot showers, one-on-one support from Our Place outreach staff to navigate health and social services specific to his situation, and drop-in programs like tax clinics and community gatherings. In Lloyd’s case it was only a short time before he was stable enough to find work as a food delivery app driver.

“It helped me to get my body back up. Knowing I can get a hot meal at Our Place, swoop in, grab a hot meal, get back on the road, back to work.”

All these years later, Lloyd came back to Our Place. This time, his life and career are reinvigorated and he’s able to provide the kind of hope and relief that he received at the Our Place Community Centre. It’s such a heartwarming sight as he serves alongside Our Place volunteers and spends time with Family Members who are navigating the tough situation he was once in himself.

But, it isn’t just an example of a bright future that Lloyd provides to those he is serving. It is the empathy and understanding that so many people don’t receive when they’re struggling.

“There were a couple moments during my meal service where I got a little overwhelmed. I started thinking […] about how much pain and suffering you’re going through during that time.”

It is with this sense of empathy and unconditional love that Our Place greets every person who comes through the doors. Thanks to the many people like Lloyd who have benefited from Our Place’s programs, we know it works.

“The resources of Our Place and the message of hope and belonging and acceptance, I took it to heart. It’s such a pleasure to give back and be in a position to do so.”

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