
Job Seekers

It can be a challenge to think about returning to work after a long absence. Here at Our WorkPlace we support people who experience barriers to work; those barriers might include mental health, substance use, criminal record, homelessness or disabilities. We can help you plan a return to work that is right for you, this may include:

  •  flexible schedules
  • part-time work
  • re-training
  • upgrading schooling
  • pre-employment training
  • volunteering

There are several ways we can help you:

  • Apply to People In Progress (PIP)  a pre-employment program or Digital Job Hunters (DJH) computer skills course. If you are interested in either of these programs, please book an intake appointment with our Job Coach Leighann Rowlandson
  • Check out our job board for weekly updates and current opportunities and job fairs
  • Use our job search resource list to search for employment
  • Come in and get 1:1 support with job searching, resume and cover letter writing and interview

Ever tried, ever failed, not matter. Try again, fail again, fail better.
-Big Life Journal

Job Board