New Roads
New Roads – Making A Choice For Recovery
Welcome to the New Roads Therapeutic Recovery Community. We recognize that this may be a very challenging time, and we are here to support your recovery. We will provide the services and resources in order to support your success, but your commitment and engagement is essential. New Roads is an integrated addictions centre that provides supports in many areas. We have ongoing therapeutic and medical supports as well as employment, educational, work experience and transitional supports. We provide an opportunity for residents to live within a collaborative and supportive community that encourages each community member to participate and take accountability for both their individual and the community’s wellness.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Males who are 19 years of age or older
- Voluntary admission
- Moderate to Severe Substance Use
- Highly motivated to make a positive change in their life, committing to a minimum 9 months and maximum of 24 months of treatment
Able to participate in the TRC Program, (i.e., psychiatrically stable, cognitively able to participate in group therapy, education sessions, and work as therapy) - Priority will be given to individuals with Medium to High interaction with the Criminal Justice System and a history of homelessness